Saturday 28 April 2012

Ambon from Indonesia

This Kueh has a very special and taste.. Guess what.. Lemongrass fragance... 
Smell so so nice and refreshing...
This is from our neigbour who bought it from Indonesia. :)
Yummy ... 

Sunday 22 April 2012

My Favourite Tiramisu

Tiramisu is my favourite cake..
I have tried a couple of them and so far this is my favourite. The thing i like about this recipe is that it is so so simple :) something really easy to made to satisfy my dessert craving.


3 eggs, separated
1/4 cup (55g) caster sugar [I have reduced by half as i dun like too sweet :P]
250g mascarpone cheese
3 tabspn of Marsala/Tia Maria/Rum/Kahlua
185ml warm espresso/ strong coffee
150g of sponge fingers
cocoa powder, to dust

1. Using an electric mixer, beat egg yolk and sugar till thick and pale. Using a large spoon., fold through the mascarpone.

2. Whisk the egg white till peak forms. Carefully fold into the mascarpone in 3 batches.

3. Add Kahlua to the warm espresso.  Place in base 1 layer of the mixture,Quickly dip the sponge fingers, one at a time, in the coffee mixture. Then lay the sponge fingers on the mixture. Cover with another layer of mascarpone mixture and repeat another layers. Refrigerate overnight or at least for 4 hours before serving.Dust with Cocoa powder before serving.
All the ingredients were ready

Ready for chilling overnight
Ready to be eaten ... Yummy

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Hokkaido Cupcakes

Hokkaido Cupcake

Last weekend, hubby and I were walking around Thomson plaza while waiting for the kids to finish their classes. There was this temporary stall which was set up selling Hokkaido cupcakes. It looks so so nice.. but its a bit pricy from what i think.. so i resist the temptation of buying.... so what i done is to google to find... recipe....

Yeah found it.. and its so so nice and well presented.. this inspires me to make... hee..
happen that my son is having a field trip to the Science Centre.. he requested mummy to make for him to bring on the day of outing..

I made it for him.. after my work... it took me 3 hrs for the whole process.. 1st time making chiffon type of cake.. therefore a bit messy.. i believe the next time will better.. although it didnt look as good as the one from Nasi Lemak but i am very happy with what i have baked.  Its so so light ... yummy yummy :) Really a big thanks to her for sharing such a wonderful recipe.

3 egg yolks
20g sugar
35g corn oil
60g milk
70g cake flour

3 egg whites
25g sugar

60g dairy whipping cream
10g sugar
1tsp instant custard powder

Icing sugar, for dusting

1. Pre-heat oven to 170C.
2. Arrange paper liners on baking tray.
3. Hand whisk egg yolk and sugar till pale in colour.
4. Add in corn oil and milk, mix well.
5. Sift in cake flour, stir to combine.
6. Beat egg white until foamy, gradually add sugar, and continue beat till soft peak form.
7. Take 1/3 of egg white and use a hand whisk to mix into egg yolk batter.
8. Fold in the balance egg white with a spatula till well combine.
9. Scoop batter into pre-arranged paper liners to about ¾ full.
10. Bake for 20-25 mins at middle rack.
11. Beat whipping cream with sugar till firm and stiff (over a bowl of iced water).
12. Add in custard powder, mix well.
13. Pipe custard cream into cupcake and dust with icing sugar. Refrigerated before consume.

Sunday 15 April 2012

Marble Cheesecake

Still have 1 kg of cream cheese...  what should i make....

What else... Cheesecake... emm.. what flavour....

Son tell mummy.. I want chocolate flavour....

Mummy: Chocolate is very heaty and now the weather is no good... how about marble? Deal?

Son: On!!!

So mummy modified from this recipe of mine.. and it still turn out great!


8 digestive biscuits (200g)

50g butter , melted (100g)

600g cream cheese (1kg)

2 tbsp plain flour (4 tsp)

175g caster sugar (200g)

vanilla extract

2 eggs , plus 1 yolk (4 eggs, 2 yolks)

142ml pot soured cream (used 400ml since i dont have enuff of cream cheese)

150g of baking chocolate, melted

some chocolate chips

1.Heat the oven to 180C. Crush 8 digestive biscuits in a food processor (or put in a plastic bag and bash with a rolling pin). Mix with the melted butter. Press into a 20cm springform tin and bake for 5 minutes, then cool.

2.Beat cream cheese with flour, caster sugar, a few drops of vanilla extract, 2 eggs, 1 yolk and pot of soured cream until light and fluffy. Pour 1/3 of the mixture into another mixing bowl and pour in the melted chocolate and mix well. Pour in the chocolate chips and u may add more if more..

Pour in a layer of the plain mixture, followed by the chocolate mixture then the  plain mixture again.

Use a satay stick to swirl the mixture. Steam bake for 40 minutes and then check, it should be set but slightly wobbly in the centre. Leave in the tin to cool.

*I mixed part of the plain mixture with banana and this tiny cheesecake ... has 3 flavours.. and it taste marvellous.. :)

Marble Cheesecake for my Colleagues :)

Banana Cheesecake for my son

Saturday 14 April 2012

Pasta with Teriyaki Chicken

Running out of ideas what to eat...Open up and the fridge and see what are available.
Found chicken, mushroom and pasta sauce..
So decided to whip this simple meal.

Just got the marinate the chicken with Teriyaki sauce, and whip up the rest of the items.
Assemble them together ... and here is it... :) simple but balance meal.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Durian cheesecake

One day, my friend posted Durian Cheesecake...

Makes my dessert craving arises..
It looks so mouth watering... and i am so so... grrr

So she told me she got the recipe from Kitchen Corner

I tried it.. the taste was so so good..
Just that somehow the texture dun look as good as the one from Kitchen Corner... I guess is becos i added so much... of the durian.. lolz :)

But ... my younger son.... simply love it.. he actually took 2 slices at 1 shot..

My family and friends all said its very nice..

All thanks to Kitchen corner :)

For the base :
200g digestive biscuits
100g butter, melted

For the filling
500g cream cheese
60g caster sugar (reduced by 20g, cos I dun like too sweet)
300g durian flesh (220g is the original)
3 eggs (medium size, total about 160g)
90ml milk
1 tbsp + 1/4 tsp cornstarch

Toppings: 1 tsp cocoa powder + 2tsp water

1. To make the base, stir all ingredients until combined. Press mixture into base. Set aside.

2.To make the filling, beat cream cheese, sugar and durian flesh until smooth. Beat in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.

3. Beat in milk and cornstarch until blended. Reserve 1 tbsp cheese mixture for topping, the rest mixture pour into tin.

4.To make the topping, mix well cocoa powder with water. Add in 1 tbsp of reserved cheese mixture, stir until well blended. Pipe on top of the surface of cheese mixture and draw net pattern with skewer.

5.Steam baked at 170C for 45 minutes (my oven 150C for 50 minutes) or until light brown.

6. Remove from the heat and leave to cool completely. Chill in fridge 5 hours or overnight.
